50th Reunion

Initial Questionnaire - West High Class of 1970

50th Year Reunion - May 2, 2020

Greetings West High Class of 1970.  This initial questionnaire is to gather current contact information as the plans for the 50th class reunion proceed. Even if you don’t plan to attend the reunion we’d still like to have your current information to update our class directory.  A more detailed questionnaire will be mailed closer to the date with the cost, RSVP, etc.

The reunion date is May 2, 2020.  Classmate Dennis Suburu has graciously offered to provide the venue at his place on the outskirts of Bakersfield.  

Please complete this brief questionnaire and return (even if not attending reunion) to:  ReunionWestHigh@gmail.com  or snail mail to:

Ann Wheeler Linnekens - 6757 Iowa Ct. - Granite Bay CA 95746-9334

Also, please join our Face Book Page to keep up-to-date on happenings at  www.facebook.com/bakersfield.westhigh  & register on our website http://westhighclassof1970.com/.

Name____________________________________________________________________________________ .          First                                  Middle                            Last/Maiden                        Current


Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________   

City, State, Zip, Country __________________________________________________________________________



Ann Wheeler Linnekens – Directory Updater &

Claudia Moore Milazzo – Reunion Chairperson