WEST High School
Class of 1970
Tracy Wakefield Pratt
Residing In: | Salem, OR USA |
Spouse/Partner: | Sheldon Pratt |
Occupation: | Homemaker |
Children: | Son Brittan, born 1981 Son Jacob, born 1982 Son Joseph, born 1986 |
Received a Business degree in Accounting from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in 1975. Met my husband, Sheldon Pratt, while working as an accountant at Superior Farming Company in Bakersfield in 1974. Married in 1977 and moved to Salem, OR in 1979. Have been a stay-at-home mom since having my first son in 1981. Fill my time with things I love to do: working in my yard, cooking, walking, knitting, and being involved in my church. Sheldon and I are "retired" now and have a new daughter-in-law and step grandson as of July 4th of this year.
Lost my dear brother Lloyd in 1993 due to complications following a liver transplant needed as a result of an autoimmune disease brought on by a 20 year battle with ulcerative colitis. He was an Electrical Engineer working for PGE in San Fransisco at the time. He left behind his wife Kerri, daughter Lauren, and son James.
I have fond memories of the PE teachers at West...Jerine Rekosh who I still keep in touch with today, Cheryl Young, and Elsa Komininsky and Math teacher/Registrar Ruth Hoover(my favorite teacher) who happens to be my dad's neighbor in Bakersfield to this very day.
I remember being with a group of kids from Honor Society who decided to tp the school right before graduation, getting caught and threatened with not being able to graduate! We did such a great job. The school looked like a wonder land at night with the help of the lights of the campus.
Tracy's Latest Interactions
Happy birthday dear friend. I’m so glad it was a wonderful day for you.
Have a great birthday Katie! Sorry this wish is late in coming.
Posted on: Jan 30, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Mrs Kominitsky was such a wonderful teacher. She made my time at West such a great experience. Heaven received a sweet lady.
Tracy Wakefiked Pratt
It’s always good to see you when I come to Bakersfield to visit my stepmom.??
Debbie my heart aches for you losing your sister Sue. I remember you girls in school and never being able to tell you apart. Both of you, sweet and nice as could be. Twins are more than just siblings. They have a keen sense of knowing each other that no others have. I know your loss as my twin brother Lloyd passed away 27 years ago from complications of a liver transplant leaving a 12 year old daughter and 3 year old son. Miss him as if it was just yesterday. Blessings to you and may your dear memories of Sue bring comfort.
Tracy Wakefiekd Pratt
Posted on: Jan 30, 2020 at 4:35 AM
Posted on: Jan 30, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Posted on: Jan 30, 2016 at 4:33 AM
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